Showing posts with label Joey Carenza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joey Carenza. Show all posts

Leonard Cohen 2013 World Tour New Logo Unveiled Today - Camp Cohen Is Open

February 1, 2013

Designed by J.S. Carenza III ~ Joey Carenza, Road Tour Manager since the Leonard Cohen world tour began in 2008, designer, photographer, videographer and world tour chronicler of happenings at Camp Cohen who always finds time in his gruelling schedule to keep us avid FRIENDS informed using the newest technology in cyberworld.

"Notes From The Road" here

U.H.T.C. stands for United Heart Touring Company

Last Shabbat Shalom on Leonard Cohen North America Concert Leg - Ottawa Dec 7.12

December 7, 2012

"Shabbat Shalom
~ from Ottawa"

Notes From The Road
Leonard Cohen Tour Blog by J.S. Carenza III

Leonard Cohen Ottawa concert - Scotiabank Place

Super View From Backstage of Leonard Cohen Chicago Concert by Joey Carenza, Notes from The Road

November 23, 2012

from: Highlights: First Set AKOO Theater — Rosemont, IL

J.S. Carenza III ~ webmaster, Notes from the Road

I love this shot with Leonard Cohen's clock and setlist.

And so beautifully framed with Roscoe Beck's upright bass in the foreground.

Leonard Cohen Austin Concert 2 Soundcheck Nov 1.12 - Two Lucky FRIENDS

November 2, 2012
"Veteran forum members and consumate Cohenites Leslie Wener and Arlene Dick sat in for the show two soundcheck here at Bass Concert Hall in Austin, Texas."
Photo and caption: J.S. Carenza III (aka Joey), Old Ideas World Tour Road Manager and Webmaster Notes from The Road

Last Shabbat Shalom on Leonard Cohen Europe Concert Leg - Madrid 10.5.12

October 5, 2012
  "Shabbat Shalom 
from Madrid, Spain"
(Sunshine, Hello ~ J.S. Carenza III)

Leonard Cohen Madrid concert - Palacio de Deportes

Deja Vu "There is a second portion" Leonard Cohen Barcelona Concert, Palau Sant Jordi, 10.3.12

October 4, 2012
Leonard Cohen, en su concierto en Barcelona, junto al guitarrista Xavier Mas (Àlex Garcia) 

Aw, it was kind of sweet that twice on the tour the audience thought the show was over following "Anthem" and then received the good news that there will be a second portion of the show.

The first time this happened was in Toulon on September 26. And the second time was at the Barcelona concert on October 3.

There are nice descriptions of these two incidents recorded by Joey Carenza, webmaster  Notes From The Road and Leif Bodnarchuk, backline technician blogger, No Ideas.

From NFTR Barcelona (J.S. Carenza III):

The Barcelona crowd, exhilarated and joyous, thought the show was over at the break. Thankfully Barcelona native Javier Mas jumped on LC’s mic to present the patrons with the good news. Speaking of which, let’s go for the second portion of the show.
Barcelona - Notes From The Road

From No Ideas (Leif Bodnarchuk)
...Leonard didn’t tell the audience that the show would continue in a short while, as he usually does; the crowd thinks it’s all over!

At the end of the first set, after Leonard skips off stage, the audience roar in appreciation. Normally the band, left behind to play Leonard off at this time every night, do not get such a rousing cheer. But tonight — ah wait a minute — Leonard didn’t tell the audience that the show would continue in a short while, as he usually does; the crowd thinks it’s all over! (Would that it was, I could easily pack up and get out of here, my feet are sore.) After some moments of funny looks between ourselves, coupled with a few jokes (They think it’s all over; it is now!) a man appears on stage, saying something in French (how strange) and the audience laughs, presumably knowing their calls for an encore were unnecessary.

Toulon - Notes From The Road
(click "Go." above for animation)
Taken with GifBoom by J.S. Carenza III (Sunshine, Hello)

Photo at the top from: La Vanguardia Barcelona

Spectacular Live Shot of Waldbuhne by Hans Kloss-Cohenites Arrive From Meet-up for Leonard Cohen Berlin Concert + Backstage Night View by Joey Carenza

September 5, 2012

Oh, those 100 steep stone treacherous stairs - I remember them well, but not fondly.  At least for this Leonard Cohen concert, the seats are reserved.

My 2010 Berlin Waldbuhne saga is here

Thanks for the spectacular photo, Hans.


Joey Carenza, Notes from the Road posted this night photo from backstage.
His caption is very moving and I left a comment on Facebook.

"with nightfall, the stage lights come on, and chase away the ghosts of empires past…"
Beautiful caption! When I sat there in Hitler's personal structure two years ago, I felt very conflicted. My only comfort was we beat the bastard. So, I thoroughly enjoyed that Leonard Cohen concert with my many Cohenite FRIENDS.

Bottom photo: Notes From The Road ~ J.S. Carenza III (Joey) ~ webmaster and Tour Road Manager

Leonard Cohen's 2012 Tour is now Official-Old Ideas Tour Road Manager Joey Carenza Posts Takeoff & Landing Photos

August 23, 2012

"Wheels Up to Copenhagen"

"Landed, Denmark"

Joey Carenza  (J.S. Carenza III) posted these photos today on the Greetings From Camp Cohen website.

When I saw these, I shouted with glee,  "Now it's official. Joey's posting takeoff and landing shots!"

During the Leonard Cohen 2008-2010 World Tour, many Cohenites followed Joey's old Flickr photostream. It was the only way we could stay informed were the they were. And we were very grateful.

Joey is a gifted photographer and took many other photos during that World Tour.  During a tour hiatus, while I was vacationing on Sanibel Island, I put together a post with a slideshow selection from his 2009 photos. Click here

Joseph Samuel Carenza III, "Joey", is the Leonard Cohen World Tour Road Manager. Even with Joey's hard working, fast paced schedule, he always found time to be an "on-the-go journalist". His photographs published on Flickr* are a fusion of traditional, impressionistic, wily, spontaneous and always fascinating
Thank you, Joey!
  • J.S. Carenza III is webmaster of Greetings From Camp Cohen / Notes From The Road.
  • Many Cohenites now take airplane/tarmac shots and we call them "Joey pics".

Leonard Cohen Rehearsal Sharpie - Glenn Gould Prize Gala Program and Massey Hall Ticket

"One never knows who might show up to have a look around camp"

August 6, 2012

No, that is not a cigarette that Leonard Cohen is holding in his right hand.

I have been asked about that several times since Joey Carenza published this photo and caption on Greetings from Camp Cohen. (7/26/12)

LC is holding a Sharpie which he graciously used to sign my program from The Glenn Gould Prize Gala and my Massey Hall ticket where the event was held. (The celebration gala took place in Toronto on May 14, 2012.)

When I was invited to a rehearsal at Camp Cohen a few weeks ago, I brought with my Glenn Gould Prize memorabilia ... just in case...

Before the rehearsal started,  Leonard Cohen was very gracious to spend a little time chatting with me. That was when I asked if he would please sign them. I mentioned I was a Torontonian and felt very strongly that I had to be there when he received his prize in my hometown.

Funnily enough, he did not have a Sharpie with him - you know how we always expect him to have one.  Magically, someone handed him one and he very kindly obliged me.

That was a memorable day to me...
  • Photo with caption at the top by: ~ J S Carenza III (aka Joey Carenza), webmaster of "Greetings from Camp Cohen" (July 26/12) and the Old Ideas World Tour Road Manager.
  • My rehearsal post, "Watching An Artistic Master At Work-Leonard Cohen In Rehearsal..." here
  • "That was a memorable day to me..."  Charles Dickens (Great Expectations)
  • To read my reports about The Glenn Gould Prize Gala, click the Label below "Glenn Gould Prize"

Watching A Master Artist At Work-Leonard Cohen In Rehearsal At Camp Cohen For the Old Ideas World Tour

Sharon Robinson, Leonard Cohen & Arlene

August 1, 2012

A few weeks ago I was invited to drop into Camp Cohen and check out a little of the rehearsal.

I didn't know how long that meant and was unsure what to expect when I got there. But I did know I wanted to be unobtrusive and discreet. So for those of you who know my shticks so well when it comes to Leonard Cohen happenings, I took no surreptitious videos or photos.  I have only my impressions and treasured memories to describe what it was like watching a Master Artist at work with his pallette of luscious instruments and enchanting voices.

Because it was that metaphor that struck me three hours later while driving home from the rehearsal studio. It was an image of Jackson Pollock (Ed Harris in the bio movie) standing with his back to the audience while we observed him dialoguing in his own way with the colour and shape elements on a large canvas.

Whenever LC dialogued with the band, his back was to "the audience".  Essentially, I was an audience of one seated on one of the three black couches often seen in Camp Cohen's postings.  (A group of hard working crew were behind the couches and equipment boxes working intently in semi-darkness.)

When they started with the first song, it seemed to be one that was in the early arranging stage. LC told the band something like, "You all do your thing and we'll see how it goes". After each iteration, LC would turn to them and make suggestions, sometimes just for one bar or line.  The band would sometimes try different instruments   Once or twice, the singers conferred with each other trying out different harmonies.  But LC was the one who decided when to revisit a bar, a line, a verse.  It was thrilling to watch the progression of the song each time the song was repeated.

LC's patience was so beautiful to watch. He was creating a soundscape with very deliberate strokes.

This reminded me about a comment I once read that the key to Frank Sinatra's success was always having a talented arranger.

Well, Leonard Cohen is so "hands on", he is his own arranger.  And that's why each and every song he performs in concerts is unique and very special.

After a half hour of working on this one song, they took a short break then resumed with different songs.  These songs were polished, repeated once or twice and seemed more a run through with LC practicing his choreography, kneeling and doffing his hat for some solos.  He made a few tweaks here and there and for one song, a suggestion was made to pick it up by a beat or two.  Yep, it worked,  But of course, the first version sounded pretty good to me too.

When LC starting singing a favourite song of mine from his new album, I broke into a big smile.  By the end of the song, I had tears rolling down my face. 

If my memory is correct, they rehearsed six songs in two hours.  Leonard Cohen is noted for having more weeks of rehearsal than is usual in the pop/rock touring business. I've been told that level of attention to detail, the determination to "nail" each song is virtually unheard of. So when you hear Leonard Cohen promise in concerts, "We'll give you everything we got", the key is his long rehearsals. They all work very hard for many weeks - Leonard Cohen, his awesome band and glorious back up singers.

I have tickets for Austin, Denver, Los Angeles and Seattle and hope to report here about the songs I heard that afternoon in one rehearsal, especially the song where I watched Leonard Cohen creating his resplendent canvas.
  • Photo at the top ~ J.S. Carenza III (aka Joey Carenza), webmaster of Greetings From Camp Cohen here   
  • Jackson Pollock film, POLLOCK with Ed Harris  here  
  • I posted this comment on Facebook:  Just to clarify, I was there for basically half a rehearsal. I arrived at 3:30pm as instructed, they began rehearsal at 4:00pm and broke for dinner in the studio around 6:30pm. That was when I left, not wishing to overstay my welcome. They would continue to rehearse for a few more hours after dinner. The security man told me they start at 4pm and rehearse "all night".

(Part 5) Going Home, Mini-Bar and Airport - Glenn Gould Prize Gala Concert Celebrating Leonard Cohen

Neil Larsen & Elliott Lefko

July 7, 2012

Going Home...Going Home


The morning after the Glenn Gould Prize celebration (5/14/12) honouring ninth laureate Leonard Cohen, I caught an Air Canada flight back to Los Angeles.

During the boarding stage, Neil Larsen and Elliott Lefko (AEG Goldenvoice) stopped in the aisle to shake hands and say hello on the way to their seats. 

How thoughtful and gracious to do that. Other passengers were backing up behind them so I said I would like to come to their seats later to ask Neil to please sign my Glenn Gould program booklet. 

And Neil did. 

What a delightful way to go home.

Pantages Hotel, Toronto, directly across Massey Hall

Hotel Mini-Bar

When I was packing in my hotel room for the flight home, I glanced at the mini-bar and smiled.

After Leonard Cohen's acceptance speech at the Prince of Astruias Awards on Oct 21/11, I now connect a hotel mini-bar with Leonard Cohen.

"I stayed up all night last night wondering what I might say to this august assembly. And after I had eaten all the chocolate bars and peanuts in the mini-bar, I scribbled a few words. I don’t think I have to refer to them"


Joey Carenza Set The Standard

Many Cohenites who closely follow reports of Leonard Cohen's tour around the world associate airplane and tarmac shots like this one as "Joey style". Joseph Samuel Carenza III was Leonard Cohen's road tour mnager on the 2008-2010 World Tour.  We were able to enjoy hundreds of  daily tour photographs thanks to his Flickr photostream.

To see a slideshow with Joey's Leonard Cohen World Tour 2009 photos, click here

  • Joey Carenza is back on the 2012 Old Ideas World Tour and is webmaster of Greetings From Camp Cohen. - "News, Sports & Weather Reports from Camp Cohen by ~ J.S. Carenza III"
  • To view the Camp Cohen archives which includes many of his photostream 2008-2010 tour photos, click here
  • Several Friends on Facebook asked about the contents of the "Intimacy Kit" in the hotel mini-bar.  A quick google result was: "Some hotels... are stocking their minibars with Intimacy Kits which, in case you need to ask, contain condoms, cinnamon mints, scented cloths, and even personal lubricants and feather ticklers."

Mitch Watkins Joins Leonard Cohen's Old Ideas World Tour Band

May 10, 2012

Jarkko Arjatsalo, webmaster of the Leonard Cohen Forum, posted the photo above with this announcement:
Mitch Watkins has joined the band. He has toured with Leonard in 1979, 1980, and 1985.
More about Mitch at

Mitch will be on the guitar. Bob Metzger cannot go on tour because of health issues.

This photo with caption was also posted on May 10
Source: Greetings From Camp Cohen,
(webmaster J.S. Carenza III aka Joey Carenza)

Hattie Webb can’t get enough of veteran tour mates Mitch Watkins and 
 Roscoe Beck as they relive past LC campaigns through newly surfaced
 and hilariously incriminating  photos of the ‘79/’80 LC tours 
which produced the “Field Commander Cohen” live record.

For some excellent background reading about the start of Mitch's collaboration with Leonard Cohen, try this article on MarieM's Speaking Cohen: Playing With Cohen (Austin American Statesman by Brad Buchholz, Mar 31/09)

Eeeeeee....I'm Getting Excited About The Leonard Cohen Old Ideas 2012 World Tour - It's really happening

Ryan Patrick Murphy & Joseph Samuel (Joey) Carenza III
Nashville 2009

May 1, 2012

Camp Cohen has been treating (teasing) us with a few 2012 tour start up photos.

Desired affect achieved!  I am really excited. 

Tickets have been on sale to the European leg for a while. Hopefully North American dates will follow soon.

And now preparations are underway for the band to come together for rehearsals in Los Angeles.

Joey Carenza, World Tour 2008-2010 Tour Road Manager and webmaster of "Greetings From Camp Cohen" recently posted these photos and captions.

There’s been a Ryan Murphy sighting en route to Los Angeles.

Ryan was the 2008-2010 World Tour Lighting Designer.
Leonard Cohen always introduced him as Ryan Patrick Murphy.

found these gems in a case with a red velvet chair, can’t wait to sit 
around the campfire while Javier plays the gypsy blues and 
everyone else tells lies we wish were true

Excavation Day.
The first of May and it is almost summer here at Camp Cohen.
Seems like a good day to dust off the old road cases 
and see what there is to see

* * *

To see more of Joey Carenza's photographic artistry, click the following link
2009 Pictorial Review-Leonard Cohen Tour- Joey Carenza Images

Camp Cohen - News, Sports & Weather Reports from by ~ J.S. Carenza III

NEeMA House Concert, Los Angeles, Feb 20, 2011

Organized by Barbara Williams and graciously hosted at her home with husband Tom Hayden
 and their son Liam, 11 who played a mean upright bass in the concert

From Feb 23, 2011  leonardcohenforum

NEeMA was outstanding. It was a fabulous concert and I had a grand time and so did my two guests visiting from Toronto.

This concert was quite a contrast from her gig at The Hotel Cafe last October.

The home setting was very comfortable and of course wherever one sat was close to the "stage". There were refreshments provided and interesting people to mingle with before the concert started, many of whom were Canadians - Barbara Williams is a Canadian originally from Vancouver Island. On my way to get some mint tea, I said hello to the casually dressed Robert Kory kickin' it in fedora and jeans.

Barbara Williams introducing NEeMA

In the words of Leonard Cohen, "In the midst of all the static, a voice of true feeling arises, a rare event" ... NEeMA
When she came out, she looked radiant and absolutely stunning. NEeMA's House Concert was being filmed. (see below). Perhaps she had more makeup on than before because of the lighting used for filming. Her look was spectacular. Wow. I hope my humble photo above and my video captured her radiance.

NEeMA has a Business degree, and once took a position as Manager of the small aboriginal community of Wekweeti in the isolated Far North of Canada. She draws from that experience in her charming intro to A Drum Dance

NEeMA covered AVALANCHE, by Leonard Cohen. It was thrilling.

Joey Carenza III

One of the videographers filming her concert looked familiar, the multi-talented and very friendly Joey Carenza III (sans fedora).

Joey was roaming all over, even lying on the floor, trying to shoot special angles.

Watching him work his camera into different positions was kind of fun.

NEeMA's House Concert was publicized on Facebook and was open to everyone.
Tickets were $15 which included refreshments

2009 Pictorial Review-Leonard Cohen Tour- Joey Carenza Images

From Dec 31,2009  leonardcohenforum

Joseph Samuel Carenza III, "Joey", is the Leonard Cohen World Tour Road Manager. Even with Joey's hard working, fast paced schedule, he always found time to be an "on-the-go journalist". His photographs published on Flickr* are a fusion of traditional, impressionistic, wily, spontaneous and always fascinating.

*Flickr photostream fauxmantic

He also ensured we knew about the tour mascot monkey, Fred, much to the delight of Fred's several Forum mothers.

And vintage Joey photos of the tour's private airplane leaving one concert city and landing in another concert city made us feel like we were right there on the tour and always knew where they were.

Joey Carenza's thoughtful message to me about my video