Leonard Cohen's Priestly Blessing At Tel Aviv Concert - Are We Also Blessed Watching on YouTube?

Concluding a performance attended by nearly 50,000 people at Ramat Gan Stadium in September 2009, Cohen recited--in Hebrew--the Birkat Kohanim (priestly blessing), originating in the Book of Numbers: “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord let His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord look kindly upon you and give you peace.” He raised his hands in the traditional formation for the blessing, known as Nesi’at Kapayim (the lifting of the hands)

From October 5, 2009   leonardcohenforum

"Patrycja" on the Forum asked an interesting question. 
I've never actually witnessed the Birkat Kohanim (does it still count if one's not actually present or watching at the other end of the world? I feel blessed nevertheless).
This was my answer to her:

Patrycja, I have been thinking about your very important question for a number of days. I wanted to check this out with a Rabbi. As it happened -beshert, destiny -after Sukkot sevices, I was standing next to the Senior Rabbi in line at an outdoors Sukkot buffet lunch. He knew about Leonard Cohen's concert in Tel Aviv, and I asked him your question. Taking a typical Rabbinic approach, first he tells me a true story - but I could see his thoughts percolating as he told the story.

A Jewish man in the military was stationed way up in the isolated northern most region. He needed 10 Jewish men to say Kaddish for his father's Yahrzeit. He went online and asked a Chabad Rabbi if he could gather 10 Jewish men in a chat room would that be legal for a Minyan. The Chabad Rabbi answered, YES. But the question arises, what is a nice Jewish boy like you doing in the military in the isolated far north?

Patrycja, The Rabbi's answer to your question was, YES. It still counts watching his Birkat Kohanim on YouTube video.

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