Bravo Leonard Cohen, Always a Classy Gentleman

Pipe Band of Oviedo City -screenshot, Prince of Asturias Foundation official video

October 21, 2011

From: Emol's report of The Prince of Asturias Award ceremony (here)

Cuando la banda de gaitas Ciudad de Oviedo ponía el broche final a la ceremonia con su tradicional interpretación del himno de Asturias, uno de los premiados rubricaba la última nota con un discreto "¡bravo!": era Leonard Cohen.

When the pipe band Oviedo City put the finishing touch to the ceremony with the traditional interpretation of the anthem of Asturias, one of the winners last initial the note with a quiet "bravo!" Was Leonard Cohen.

Google translation


  1. Arlene, your posts about Oviedo provide glimpses of what kind man LC is, on top of all his artistic achievements.

  2. Thank you, Rike. I am in awe. Leonard Cohen is unique.
